Danielle's ePortfolio

Whatever you believe is what will take place.

About Me

Danielle Lu's profile picture

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  • First name: Danielle
  • Last name: Lu
  • Email address: [email protected]
  • Town: Rotorua
  • Country: New Zealand

Social media accounts

Employment history

Service Team at Huka Lodge

March 2018

August 2017

• Greets and organise tables for walk in guests • Arranges call and online reservations • Maintains overall cleanliness and order of the facility • Takes orders and ensure guest satisfaction with the services.

Address: Rotorua, New Zealand

July 2017 - September 2017

• Attends to the needs of the guests • Promotes activities that guests can enjoy in Rotorua • Maintains overall cleanliness and order of the facility • Coordinates with various tour operators • Responds to emails and needs of guests, partners and web hosts

Address: Rotorua, New Zealand


• Design the overall look for the artists • Coordinate with different suppliers and team of 12 people • Determine and take corrective actions of the team

Address: Quezon City, Philippines

2016 - 2016

• Delegating tasks to team members and volunteers • Communicating with various sponsors • Advocating and promoting bayanihan in times of crisis

Address: Manila, Philippines

2016 - 2016

• Develop a strategy in order to achieve the goal of the event • Make a project plan and timetable that will lead to an effective event • Coordinating with 16 different councils

Address: Manila, Philippines


• Responsible for promotion and advertising of the event to reach its target market. • Communicating with various suppliers and sponsors

Address: Manila, Philippines

Work Skills and Attributes


  • Successful experience as a project head for different local and national level events in the Philippines
  • Experience in training and handling a team that led to a successful production

Personal management

  • Initiative and ability to take responsibility, make decisions and achieve good results
  • Planning, organising and time management demonstrated in project management and working while studying
  • Pays attention to detail
  • Experience in implementing branding and advertising campaigns, and project management


  • Strong level of verbal and written communication skills, demonstrated in successful tertiary study
  • Public speaking experience since secondary school and English teaching experience with TEFL Certification


Personal skills


  • Administrative skills and experience developed through significant projects handles and various trainings attended
  • Physically active, healthy and fit


  • Motivation comes with a positive attitude and outlook in life
  • Ambitious and resilient in dealing with problems


  • Confident and skilled in managing and leading a small team and getting the best from them
  • Experience in dealing with clients of varying personalities

Who am I


I am interested to work in an organisation that is committed to excellent customer service. I thrive in a workplace that opens opportunities to hardworking people to gain a wide array of experience and knowledge on customer interaction, management and excellent team work.

 I am currently studying Graduate Diploma (Level 7) in Tourism Management at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology in Rotorua. I have worked in different industries in the past – film, hospitality, marketing and service.

I possess qualities that I believe would be an asset to your company such as great communication skills, interpersonal skills and being reliable and adaptable. I can manage to do different task simultaneously. Other personal strengths I would include are being highly motivated, methodical and well organised individual. 



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Education history

July 2017 - June 2018

-Professionalism and core skills for tourism and hospitality -Cultural dimensions of tourism and hospitality -Impacts of tourism and travel -Service management or destination management -Environmental management and planning for tourism -Tourism business strategy -Industry internship

Address: Rotorua, New Zealand

May 2012 - July 2015

In response to these new realities, the Business Management Program prepares young men and women to become competent managers and consultants with a mindset of management as a system of integrated and interrelated parts. Moreover, the program aims to produce a new breed of future ethical business professionals with skills in scientific research, problem analysis, decision-making, and consensus building. http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/academics/programs/undergraduate/cob/mgt.asp

Address: Manila, Philippines

Thesis and Journals

Job Satisfaction of employees, Marketing plan for the restaurant giant in the Philippines

July 2015

Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Teachers in Notre Dame of Greater Manila

July 2015

Academic skills

Critical Thinking Skills

  • Analytical and detail oriented through continuous learning
  • Continuous training and seminars on leadership and team buildings
  • Belonging in 99+ percentile at national level critical thinking exams

Research Skills

  • Ability to find valuable information through research effectively.
  • Accurate and efficient data gathering skills
  • Proven track record of effective research from higher education thesis and academic journals.

Independent Learning

  • Ability to learn without much guidance wherein it enhances time management skills as well.
  • Responsible and efficient in managing time and deadlines

Certifications, accreditations and awards

March 2018

120 Hour Certificate A2 Standard Accredited by ALAP

January 2017

Listening - 7.0 Reading - 7.5 Writing - 6.5 Speaking - 7.5 Overall Band Score: 7.0

Attached files

The Leonard Englemen Fellowship in Character Development

December 2015

Effective Leadership Skills Certificate

July 2015

Invest Young - Trading Stocks and Business Management

May 2014

Professional Photography and Advance Editing Certificate


Interests & Hobbies

  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Stock Analysis and Investing
  • Human Psychology
  • Volunteering
  • Blogging and Writing
  • Bodybuilding
  • Surfing

Danielle Lu's portfolios



Do beyond what is 'required'

Learn something that changes my way of thinking in a positive way

Take classes & certifications for added skills

Get involved with school activities

Share valuable information to other students 


Continuous comprehensive growth

Gain expertise on something I love

Be able to communicate more effectively

Network within and outside the industry

Be creative in the work place

Leave a mark

Smile more often


Be more proactive

Be resilient

Run more often

Read more books

1 podcast a day

Creative Commons license

Danielle Lu's friends

14 friends


Journal entries with tag "Assessment"

Internship Experience Report



This report is about the entire internship experience that commenced on the 22nd of March 2018 at Huka Lodge. 




Company's Strengths & Opportunities

 In the hospitality and tourism industry, the name Huka Lodge has an imprinted "wow" factor. It is a multi-awarded luxury lodge and is consistently ranked as one of the best in the Australasian region. Th sophisticated lodge presented at utmost elegance is known to have hosted royalties when they visit New Zealand (including Queen Elizabeth II). With its high regards, there will always be opportunities to improve. Throughout the internship process, as an intern, I have been observant of every detail that I can possibly think of hence, I try to ask 2-3 intellectual questions.

Internally, I believe the human resource and training of Huka Lodge can still be improved in a way that every procedure can be standardised to be able to give a more uniform high quality service. As an exceptional service provider, I believe in having hands on training to newly hires and they should not be put on the spot on the first few days/weeks of learning as this may affect the service provided to customers who expect nothing but perfection.  

To add, improving on the marketing and utilising social media as a tool for advertising can also be improved on. I looked into the pages handled by the lodge and was hoping for quality content. It needs a lot of work - from layouting, captions, colour coordination, tie stamping, etc. This organisation weakness however, is one thing that can easily be turned around when the lodge decides to utilise skilled employees to improve their advertising or maybe, hiring a social media manager can be useful too.


Learning Objectives

The intern had listed 6 learning objectives that needs to be met in the 200 working hour time frame given. These are:

1. To develop attentiveness to details in order to provide exceptional experiences and deliver high quality service.

2. To gain relevant experience in the industry wherein classroom theories can be applied.

3. To understand and familiarise the service procedures/employee handbook  to be able to efficiently complete the duties and exceed expectations.

4. To ask 2-3 relevant questions every shift to increase the knowledge in Hotel and F&B services.

5. To develop the ability to adapt to a range of environmental pressure.

6. To be able to articulately present the dishes to the tables with utmost confidence.



Challenges & Resolutions

Working in a service that provides exceptional and high quality service, I wish I have expanded my knowledge more on the variety of wines, cheese and cuisine. I grew up in a simple household. I am used to home cooked meals. My parents did not expose me to the fine dining experience growing up and we did not fancy wine and cheese (the only cheese I knew growing up is cheddar and mozzarella). There was never a night where I wasn't put on the spot or felt dumbfounded about the information that I am hearing. So far, even though I felt like the most illiterate person in the room, I knew I was learning and I was taking it positively. It made me stay up an hour later after work to read and do more research on fine dining, proper etiquette and high end cuisines. 






Triple bottom line review







Memorandum of Agreement

To: Jackie Brown

From: Danielle Lu


Re: Memorandum of Agreement between Danielle Lu & Huka Lodge


This memorandum serves as an official agreement between my internship supervisor and me. We have agreed that I will be working for Huka Lodge in 271 Huka Falls Road, Taupo, 3377My supervisor is Craig Gemmell. My internship job title is restaurant service team. The internship dates are 22nd of March 2018 until the completion of the required 200 working hours of internship.


The primary learning objectives for this internship are:

1. To develop attentiveness to details in order to provide exceptional experiences and deliver high quality service.

2. To gain relevant experience in the industry wherein classroom theories can be applied.

3. To understand and familiarise the service procedures/employee handbook  to be able to efficiently complete the duties and exceed expectations.

4. To ask 2-3 relevant questions to increase the knowledge in Hotel and F&B services 

5. To develop the ability to adapt to a range of environmental pressure.

6. To be able to articulately present the dishes to the tables with utmost confidence.



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     Student's Signature                                                                                       Supervisor's Signature


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      Date                                                                                                                 Date

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